Let’s Build Something
beauty with AI

Creative Bravo MM is an agency that provides expertise on Artificial Intelligence Engineering projects mixed with Art.
We have extensive experience on both areas, driving projects from ideation to production success.

What is Bravo MM

Creative Bravo MM is an Agency founded in Bilbao (Basque Country) joining forces between two Big experts from different areas: Laura MM, Phd  (Technology Artist), and Andres Bravo, PhD (AI Engineer).

Our focus is to provide advise, coaching and partnering services for AI based projects. We can offer expertise services on driving projects from ideation to production ready features, as well as guidance or consultory advise for those.

Drop us a line and we will find the way to help you or your company towards success.

The possibilities are beyond your imagination

Contact Us


Whenever you want to improve your Client Support, create Client education bots or an artistic piece talking to a Simulated Actor, we can help you building the future of your communications.

Generated Content

Generated posts, images, quotes or tweets is something we can help you archiving scoped to your personal objective to maximize performance of specific tasks.

Videos & More

We can help you creating AI generated videos or audios that express your company or project needs with the best mixture of human beauty selection and AI baked generation.

The Future is Now and You Just Need To Realize It. Step into Future Today & Make it Happen.

Improving your text based content with generative AI

Writing fresh content is hard, requires in-house copywriters or nice writing skills, let AI do the job for you and generate your social posts, blog entries, education documents or emails for you.

Everything starts with a chat Message

Whenever you want to improve your Client Support, create Client education bots or an artistic piece talking to a Simulated Actor, we can help you building the future of your communications.

Images are your visual representation

Generating custom and unique images has always been a challenge, company struggle to find or hire creative talent in house. We can help you generate the right visual representation for your brand or artistic project.

Videos are the new social

We can help you creating AI generated videos or audios that express your company or project needs with the best mixture of human beauty selection and AI baked generation.

My Apps

The possibilities are beyond your imagination

AI revolution is a fact now a days, large language models and Image models has been proven to be the next global disruption on many industries such as technology, art, design, education, marketing and many more... But that's just the start of it, possibilities as endless and you can be one of the firsts on your industry.

Do not fall behind on this new revolution and get involved today.

We want to help you success on the new AI era.

Contact Us Today & start exploring the endless possiblities.

A lot is happening,
We are blogging about it.

UNION show in MonteHermoso (Vitoria)

GPT-3 and Open  AI is the future. Let us exlore how it is?

Artistic AI generated image

The impact of the new AI models on the upcoming Art era

An AI generated image of Vincent VanGogh and Salvador Dali on a table looking like a painting from vicent

Generated AI conversation between two dead artists gets interesting

image of a futuristic-looking music studio with AI-generated music playing in the background? The studio could be filled with advanced technology and AI systems that are used to create and produce music. The image could also include a human musician working alongside an AI system, highlighting the potential for collaboration between humans and AI in the music industry.

Is AI-generated music good enough to disrupt the industry?